Lost & Found
Lost & Found

Lost & Found

If you have lost an item:

If you have lost an item in Ladbroke Hall, please contact operations@ladbrokehall.com with a full description of item (ideally a photo), when it was last seen in the building and where.

Our staff will be in touch if/when the item is found. Every claim will have a time period of 2 months.

If we have found an item:

All items found in Ladbroke Hall will be logged and kept for a time of 2 months. All precious objects will be kept in a secure storage.

All found items will be kept for 2 months after which, if unclaimed, Ladbroke Hall reserves the right to donate items to charity.

If we find any illicit objects:

Ladbroke have a zero drugs & arms tolerance policy. For any illicit drugs, arms or object judged inappropriate or harmful found on a person or on the premises, Ladbroke Hall reserves the right to remove and dispose of said objects as they see fit. Ladbroke Hall also reserves the right to denounce any illegal activity to law enforcement and will request all involved parties are removed and banned from the premises. Security at Ladbroke Hall is our top priority, and anyone found carrying drugs and arms will be dealt with accordingly.

For more information

Feel free to reach out to us at if the information provided in this section isn't clear or if you have any other questions.

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