Patron Terms & Conditions

Ladbroke Hall Patron Terms & conditions


These terms and conditions apply between you, the User of this Website (including any sub-domains, unless expressly excluded by their own terms and conditions), and Ladbroke Hall, the owner and operator of this Website. Please read these terms and conditions carefully, as they affect your legal rights. Your agreement to comply with and be bound by these terms and conditions is deemed to occur upon your first use of the Website. If you do not agree to be bound by these terms and conditions, you should stop using the Website immediately

In these terms and conditions, User or Users means any third party that accesses the Website and is not either (i) employed by Ladbroke hall and acting in the course of their employment or (ii) engaged as a consultant or otherwise providing services to Ladbroke Hall and accessing the Website in connection with the provision of such services.

You must be at least 18 years of age to use this Website. By using the Website and agreeing to these terms and conditions, you represent and warrant that you are at least 18 years of age.

Patron Rules for Ladbroke Hall

  1. The Hall 

1.1.          Ladbroke Hall is a gallery, studio, event and dining space located within a Grade II listed building located at 79 Barlby Road London W10 6AZ (“Ladbroke Hall”).

1.2.          Ladbroke Hall is owned and operated by Sunbeam Photographic Limited (company number 07171165) (the “Company”).

The correspondence address for the Company is the same as Ladbroke Hall.

  1. Patron Rules

2.1.          Ladbroke Hall operates a patron scheme. These rules are the terms and conditions of being a patron. You should read them carefully as it sets out your rights and obligations as a patron of Ladbroke Hall.

Please note that acceptance of your patron application and receipt of your patron fee by the Company creates a valid and legally binding contract between you and the Company, which is governed by these terms and conditions.

2.2.          These terms and conditions and any policies issued by Ladbroke Hall, as amended from time to time, are the rules of Ladbroke Hall (the “Rules”).

2.3.          These Rules (including any policies) may be amended or varied by the Company at any time on giving 14 days’ notice of any such amendment or variation. Notification may be made via the Ladbroke Hall website so please check it regularly.

2.4.          Being a patron relates only to access to Ladbroke Hall and use of its facilities. It does not entitle you to any participation in the Company or its underlying business.

  1. Application to become a PATRON

3.1.          By submitting your application to become a patron, you agree to be bound by these Rules. Applications must be submitted together with payment details using the forms provided by Ladbroke Hall. Your information will be stored and used subject to Ladbroke Hall’s Privacy Policy. You may withdraw your application at any time simply by letting us know in writing. You must ensure you keep us up to date with your contact details whilst your patron application is being considered.

3.2.          A committee of patrons (the “Committee”) appointed by the Company will review all applications.

Admission to new patrons is subject to space availability. The Committee shall have absolute discretion as to who shall become a patron of Ladbroke Hall and when. No reason shall be given to any applicant in the event of their non-admission.

3.3.          If your patron application is successful, the Company will send you a welcome email. Your annual patronship starts on the date specified in your welcome email. Your election as a patron is conditional on you completing the following within 30 days of the welcome email:

(a)            paying the annual subscription either monthly or annually;

(b)            if not already provided as part of your application completing a direct debit form or providing continued card authorisation details for future annual subscriptions and other charges that may become payable from your use of Ladbroke Hall facilities (a “Direct Debit Mandate”); and

(c)            providing photo ID as proof of age, if aged 29 years and under.

(d)        providing proof of address (applicable to Joint Patrons and Overseas Patron applications)

3.4.          Subject to any statutory right to cancel, your patron fee is non-refundable once payment has been received by the Company.

3.5.          You agree as and when required to renew and at all times maintain, a valid Direct Debit Mandate or provide continued card authorisation details in order to provide for payment of your annual subscription and any other charges payable arising from being a patron and related use of Ladbroke Hall’s facilities.

  1. Patron Benefits

4.1.          The Company reserves the right at any time:-

(a)            to offer and maintain different types of patrons of Ladbroke Hall with different entitlements;

(b)            to offer and maintain different levels of patron fees; and

(c)            to modify, restrict or vary the entitlements including usage entitlement relevant to each patron type.

4.2.          Details of the benefits of patron for each category of patron are set out on the Ladbroke Hall website. Any changes made under paragraph 4.1 shall be published on Ladbroke Hall’s website not less than 14 days before implementation.

4.3.          Every candidate for patronship must be at least 18 years of age.

4.4.          If any age criteria connected to your patron category is no longer applicable to you, then Ladbroke Hall shall automatically apply a change of category at the next renewal date.

4.5.          All patron renewals remain subject to Committee approval.  Any change in fees shall be applied at the next renewal date following any such change.

4.6.          Ladbroke Hall requires all patrons to have on file current information including: email, address, phone number and a valid credit or debit card. Patrons are responsible for promptly updating their personal contact information in order to receive notices and up-to-date information.

4.7.          To cancel a patronship, patrons must provide Ladbroke Hall with not less than 30 days written notice prior to their patron renewal date. If notice is not given you will be liable for the next following 12 months patron fees (provided your patronship is renewed by the Committee). Should a patronship be cancelled under this paragraph or otherwise terminated by Ladbroke Hall all outstanding balances must be settled and any patronship cards returned.

  1. Patronship period and renewals

5.1.          Unless expressly agreed by the Committee in writing a patronage period is for a minimum of one year. Patronship is then renewable on an annual basis. The renewal date will be as stated in your welcome email (usually the first day of the month of election as a patron).

5.2.          Renewals are not automatic and are reviewed by the Committee on an annual basis.

5.3.          The decision of the Committee in relation to any non-renewal is final. Decisions are not subject to appeal.

  1. Patron Fees

6.1.          Patron fees become payable immediately on the approval or renewal of your patronship. Subject to any statutory right to cancel, patron fees are non-refundable once payment has been received by the Company.  Patronships are for one-year commitments and cannot be placed on hold.

6.2.          By providing us with your payment details, you accept and consent to being charged with patron fees in the form and payment method requested by us. We will notify you by providing at least 14 days’ notice in advance if there are to be any changes to the periodic payment, date or frequency of the payment of your patron fees.

6.3.          The Company may apply an increase on any rate of annual subscription to any patron by providing at least 30 days’ notice, which increase shall apply from their next renewal date. If you do not wish to accept the annual increase you may terminate your patronship by giving not less than 14 days’ notice of termination such notice to expire on or before the renewal date.

6.4.          Failure to pay any patron fees (including any periodic instalment if applicable) within one month of the due date will result in you not being admitted to patron-only areas of Ladbroke Hall and your patron benefits being suspended. Patrons still in arrears two months from the initial due date will have their patronship terminated.

6.5.          If you choose to resign your patronship (or your patronship is terminated or cancelled part way through the applicable patronship year), you must still pay your full patronship fee for the remainder of that year unless there are extenuating circumstances provided in writing to our Patron Team. This applies whether you are paying monthly, quarterly or annually.

  1. Use of Ladbroke Hall

7.1.          Patrons and permitted guests may access patron-only areas of Ladbroke Hall during normal hours of admission. Hours of operation will be posted on Ladbroke Hall’s website which may vary from time to time for seasonal or operational reasons. Patrons must present their patron card or digital access token on arrival and must provide the full names of their guests. Please notify Ladbroke Hall immediately if your patron card or digital access token is lost or stolen.

7.2.          Should a patron allow a third party to use their patron card or digital access token to access Ladbroke Hall their patronship will be terminated.

7.3.          Guests are permitted in patron-only areas of Ladbroke Hall during patron events. Admission of guests is subject to capacity, compliance with these Rules and at the sole discretion of Ladbroke Hall. Please note that during busy periods Ladbroke Hall may need to restrict patron access to certain areas of Ladbroke Hall including to safely manage permitted capacities in different areas.

7.4.          No person under the age of 18 will be admitted to Ladbroke Hall without the prior written permission of Ladbroke Hall or duty manager.  Please note this rule also applies to children save where Ladbroke Hall publishes on its website or otherwise notifies patrons that children may attend Ladbroke Hall (or parts of it) at certain times or for certain events.

7.5.          Patrons are responsible for ensuring their guests follow these Rules. Patrons can face suspension or termination of their patronship if their guests violate or breach any of these Rules.

7.6.          The Company may refuse admission to any person to Ladbroke Hall (including patrons and/or their guests) and/or remove any patron and/or guest from Ladbroke Hall premises in its absolute discretion and without giving any reason. The Company may at its absolute discretion rescind a patronship without providing a reason.

7.7.          The Company reserves the right to determine that on certain days patrons may not be admitted to Ladbroke Hall or any parts of it, or to provide for the closure of Ladbroke Hall on public holidays, for private hire or for any reason at the absolute discretion of the Company which justifies temporary closure. Where possible Ladbroke Hall will notify patrons in advance by e-mail of any temporary closure of Ladbroke Hall.

7.8.          The Company may also close all or part of Ladbroke Hall for the installation of new exhibitions, maintenance, repair or redecoration work, or where we need to withdraw or scale back facilities or services because we consider that there is a risk to the health or safety of our patrons, guests or staff, or if we are required to do so by any local or government regulator or authority, including to maintain social distancing.

7.9.          Ladbroke Hall is a licensed premises, and the Company reserves the right of admission to anyone at all times. This includes patrons and guests. The sale and consumption of alcohol is only permitted in accordance with the licensing laws and regulations applicable to Ladbroke Hall. No outside food or beverage will be permitted at Ladbroke Hall, unless expressly agreed in writing by Ladbroke Hall management.

  1. Conduct whilst in Ladbroke Hall

8.1.          The Company reserves the right in its sole discretion to terminate your patronship if in its reasonable opinion you or any of your guests behave in a way which is considered to be harassing, causing distress or inconvenience to other patrons, any visitor to Ladbroke Hall, any member of our staff or any directors, trustees, donors or other supporters of Ladbroke Hall or you are otherwise in breach any of these Rules.

8.2.          All patrons shall, before leaving Ladbroke Hall premises on each visit, pay in full all charges incurred by them or their guests whether in respect of food, beverages, events or any other matter.

8.3.          Please note that for operational and safety reasons CCTV is in use in and around Ladbroke Hall.

8.4.          No animals are permitted in Ladbroke Hall save for legally recognised and certified assistance dogs.

8.5.          All patrons and guests must adhere to Ladbroke Hall’s smoking policy and all applicable laws and regulations. No smoking (including e-cigarettes and ‘vapes’ of any kind) is allowed inside Ladbroke Hall at any time.  We may designate certain outside areas of Ladbroke Hall premises as a permitted smoking area from time to time. All patrons and guests should refrain from smoking if requested to do so at any time by a member of our team.

8.6.          Property deposited by you or a guest in the cloakroom or otherwise left on Ladbroke Hall’s premises, shall be entirely at your or your guest’s own risk.

Neither we nor any of our team shall be liable for any loss of, or damage to, such property.

8.7.          Patrons and their guests should refrain from making or receiving mobile phone calls whilst in Ladbroke Hall and mobile phones and similar devices should be set to silent mode. Calls and messaging are permitted but only in designated areas in Ladbroke Hall or as otherwise directed by a member of our team.

Laptops, tablets and similar devices may be used in designated areas of Ladbroke Hall. Whenever possible, headphones should be used to minimise disturbance.

  1. Confidentiality and Patron Privacy

9.1.          Ladbroke Hall must be a place where patrons, guests and invitees of Ladbroke Hall can enjoy the facilities in private.

9.2.          Ladbroke Hall enforces a strict policy of no press or publication. You and your guests must not photograph, record, disclose or identify any other patrons, guests or invitees of Ladbroke Hall at any time.

This includes in any press, publication whether in print or online or in any social media channels. The same rules apply to any private hire events or patron events at Ladbroke Hall or any part of it.

  1. Filming at Ladbroke Hall

During certain events Ladbroke Hall team and/or partners may livestream, film or photograph in and around the event spaces and other parts of the building. Such livestreaming, filming or photography may incidentally feature patrons and their guests and by attending Ladbroke Hall events patrons and their guests grant their approval to be included in any such recorded content.

  1. Liability of Ladbroke Hall 

11.1.       The Company, its officers, employees, agents or sub-contractors shall not be liable to any patron or guest for any loss, damage or injury suffered by them or their property howsoever caused, save in respect of death or personal injury to a patron or guest to the extent caused by the negligence of the Company, its officers, employees, agents or sub-contractors. This does affect any statutory rights you or your guest as applicable may have under applicable law that may not be restricted or excluded.

11.2.       Subject to paragraph 11.1, the Company’s liability under or in connection with your patronship and these Rules, whether arising from contract, negligence or otherwise, shall be limited to the total subscription fee paid or payable by you for the then current patronship year.

  1. Privacy Policy

12.1.       The Company values the privacy of all our patrons, their guests and other visitors who enjoy our spaces, services, Website and Apps.

The Company collects information from patrons in order to communicate regularly with them about their patronship and events at Ladbroke Hall, as well as providing notices and other updates as necessary. Certain communications may also be sent to patrons on behalf of Ladbroke Hall partners. Patrons can opt out of receiving all communications from Ladbroke Hall aside from those necessary for administering their patronship account, if they wish.

12.2.       Visiting guests must sign in and the information we collect from those who are not patrons is used on an opt-in basis if they wish to sign up for more information about Ladbroke Hall.

12.3.       Our Privacy Policy sets out the detailed terms on which we hold and process any personal data about you as a patron and/or your guests

  1. Complaints

Should any issues arise during your time in Ladbroke Hall these should be addressed in the first instance to the senior manager on duty. Alternatively, patrons may contact the patron team at

  1. The Small Print

14.1.       If a dispute arises between us about the interpretation of the Rules, the matter shall be referred to the Committee. Their decision with respect to your patronship shall be final and their decision is not subject to appeal. The Rules shall be governed and construed in accordance with English law and we each agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England.

14.2.       Neither patrons nor any third-party including guests shall use the name, address, trademarks or trade names or other intellectual property or identifying features of the Company or Ladbroke Hall or any works exhibited within Ladbroke Hall for any purpose without the prior written approval of the Company on a case-by-case basis. Unless stated otherwise, copyright and all other rights in all publications and materials supplied to you by the Company are owned by the Company or its licensors. Patrons may not reproduce, transmit, distribute, sell or commercially exploit these materials without the prior written consent of the Company or to the extent expressly permitted by law.